Saturday, January 16, 2010


Jesus said, “I am the Way the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6). Truth never changes and is always timely; it applies today and in the future. The Scriptures we read today we can be sure are true because they are connected with God’s changeless character. We must consider the centuries that have passed since the words of the Bible were penned. Hours upon hours have been spent in careful study of every sentence of Scripture. The Bible has withstood the test of time. Because God is truth, you can trust Jesus Christ, the Word of God to be true and a perfect guide for all people.

There is a difference between telling someone about the truth and living the truth before them. The one who lives the truth literally becomes the truth therefore Jesus Christ is the embodiment of truth. Through the person of Jesus Christ God shows man what He is like. To see a perfect picture of the truth of God look at Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the Great communicator of truth. He Himself, His Person and His Life makes things perfectly clear. Jesus is the one who reveals the ultimate source and meaning and end of all things. By Jesus the truth of man himself and the world surrounding man is revealed, showing man the way to truth and enabling him to choose the right way to the truth.

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Jesus Christ is our great liberator of truth. There is a great gulf of (estrangement) which exists between man and God. He sets men free from the frustrations, fears, weaknesses, and defects that plague him.

When Jesus spoke of “knowing the truth” He was speaking of knowing God’s revelation to people. This revelation is embodied in Jesus Himself, the Word; therefore, to know the truth is to know Jesus. The truth is not political freedom or intellectual knowledge. Knowing the truth means accepting it, obeying it, and regarding it above all earthly opinion. By doing so, we have true spiritual freedom from sin and death. As believers in Jesus Christ our savior we have the Holy Spirit living with in us and guiding us on our journey through life.

to be continued

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