Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Proof 4 thru 7 of God Does Exist

Proof Four: The Great Designer: We live in a highly complex, intricate and interdependent world. To experience life in this world is to see a world of Great Design. From sunset to sunrise the mountains fields, and streams are all in harmony. The oceans and all they contain declare the glory of a Great Designer God.

Life as we know it is entirely dependent upon other forms of life. Nothing lives or dies to itself. How does the evolutionist answer the question of which came first, the corn or the bee? The bee must have been quite hardy to survive for millions of years independent of the corn stalks, flowers, grasses trees, and grains all "evolve" slowly and gradually over a period of millions or billions of years independent of the little bee, upon which they must rely for their very continuation of life? It is a biblical principle, that the whole universe was created mature by a "Great Miracle of God."

Questions of this nature are completely insurmountable and unanswerable by the evolutionists. The old question, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Is a question that the evolutionist is totally disdainful of, and why, because he simply has no answer for it. From his point of view it is better to make fun of it, or scoff at it, or just dismiss it as a question that has no merit.

Where can we go to see a greater masterpiece of design than our own body? All of these beautiful and intricate creations, demand a Great Eternal Designer!

Proof Five: Fulfilled Prophecy: One of the strongest evidences of the existence of an Almighty Creator God is the Fulfilled Prophecies of the Bible. Unlike any other book, the bible offers numerous specific predictions many hundreds of years old.

About one third of the Bible is made up of Prophecy. Most pertain to the end times, however, there many prophecies that have already been fulfilled, and which are presently being fulfilled.

Hundreds of years ago God sent His prophets to such major cities as Babylon, Elkron, Ashdod, Askelon, Tyre and Sidon. These prophets had been commissioned with a message in which they foretold the decay, fall and particular type of fate that was to befall each of these ancient cities. Without fail, in every single instance, exactly at the time designated, all these event occurred.

One of the most amazing predeictions of Christ in all of Scripture is that of Isaiah 53:2--12. This precise description of Jesus sufferings and death of Christ was all literally fulfilled. Other prophecies involving Christ's death include: The piercing of His hands and feet (Psalm 22:16; Luke23:33), the piercing of His side (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:34) and the casting of lots for His garments (Psalm 22:18; John 19:23--24).

The very fact that a Supreme Being is able to fortell the future, and bring it to pass, is a great proof of His existence.

Proof Six: Life Giving Food: It goes without saying people on this earth enjoy an unending varitety of delicious foods. Humans on earth are composed of 16 elements of matter-living organic matter. It is emperative that these 16 living elements be supplied and replenished through food, water and air, or they will die.

No man with all his ingenuity and science, plus laboratory facilities can produce so much as a mustard seed, let alone produce life-giving food. That is, he cannot take plain inorganic matter and turn it into the living substance we call food, but some power, force, intelligence, or Being did begin a Miraculous process, far to wonderful for any man to devise or produce and created not just the mustard seed, but millions of life giving seeds that provide everything from soup to nuts for humanity.

And so it is that out of the ground grows grass, and green leafy vegetables, and all other vegetables, and vines, and trees yielding fruit-each with its seed in itself, each through this seed reproducing after its kind-and it is very good.

We must therefore admit, as much as it grates against the human soul, that there is a far Greater Intelligence than man, which can design, create, and supply man with all of the necessities of life that man himself cannot do.

Proof Seven: Answered Prayer: For all those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, answered prayer is no great surprise, and it shouldn't be. Obviously for the doubters, the skeptics, and atheists, since they have never prayed they will never get an answer, therefore it would never occur to them to consider answered prayer a proof of the existence of an all powerful "Creator God." Real answered prayer is a direct, divine, supernatural intervention, a completely miraculous intervention and direct answer from Almighty God! The prayers of Jesus' are most remarkable because of their sheer frequency, their simplicity and their direct address of God as "Abba, Father."

Answered prayer is an irrefutable, unchallengeable proof of the existence of an Almighty Creator God. For those who practice prayer, this statement is true. For those who reject the God of the Bible, no proof that could be offered would be enough to convince them, even if one rose from the dead! "And He said unto him, if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be presuaded, though one rose from the dead" (Luke 16:31).

Answered Prayer in the life of a Christian is proof of an all powerful, loving Creator God, who by the way created the entire universe and all that is in it in six days. Those who can't accept that will be like those who rejected the words of Moses and the prophets and will not even believe or be persuaded by jesus Christ our Creator who rose from the dead! END.

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